Nancy McKinstry is the definition of self-made success.

As a financial professional, Nancy spent years building her career and helping investment firm Odlum Brown reach great heights as a powerhouse portfolio manager, director and partner.

Nancy was never one to back down from a challenge. So when she retired early at 55 years old, and faced an ovarian cancer diagnosis just one year later, Nancy once again held her head high and pushed into it head-on.

“Ovarian cancer was new to me and my family,” says Nancy. “No friends or relatives have had it. I felt quite alone when I headed in to receive care, and how lucky was I that I received care from OVCARE, one of the top ovarian cancer clinical research centres in the world.”

Nancy had three months of chemotherapy followed by 35 radiation treatments after her total hysterectomy to remove the cancer. She spent 18 months recovering, but through it all she was so impressed with the knowledge and support the OVCARE team gave her, she knew she wanted to give back.

“As a cancer survivor, I have seen firsthand the power of philanthropy in health care, this is why I’m giving back in all the ways I know how. A gift of securities now and in my will is important to me so that advancements keep happening even when I’m not around.” 

“The seed was sown at OVCARE,” says Nancy. “I have given back in a few ways including a gift in my will and through gifts of securities. By transferring shares over I was able to give back to support the research that saved my life and that of other women.”

Gifting securities is one of the most tax-effective ways to give, because you benefit from the donation tax credit and the complete elimination of the capital gains tax.

Join donors like Nancy by making a gift of securities to help make a difference for patients, now and into the future. Learn more