September 15, 2020
Breathing Life Into Lung Cancer Detection
Read Jason and Emily's Story
Two in five British Columbians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
Our focus involves a new lung cancer screening pilot programs at VGH along with new research programs to increase the survival rates of cancer. We are leaders in prostate, pancreatic, ovarian and blood cancers.
More than 1.6 million people
worldwide die each year from lung cancer.
6% survival rate
Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers, affecting 1 in 79 Canadians with an average 6% survival rate.
Our initiatives are driven with the hope to lead to changes in clinical care and the formation of public policy in cancer screening and early detection.
A new screening program
will enroll 2,000 high-risk individuals over a three-year period with a two-year follow-up.
The OVCARE program
includes the use of an innovative microscope to unravel the genetic changes that give rise to ovarian cancers and pinpoint when in the development of these cancers they begin to change and become dangerous.